SI Joint Fusion Recovery: What to Expect

Your sacroiliac (SI) joint connects your spine and pelvis. When you’re dealing with SI dysfunction, you can experience a range of bothersome symptoms, such as chronic lower back pain and pain that radiates down your leg, similar to sciatica.
SI joint fusion provides a minimally invasive way to stabilize the SI joint, making way for symptom relief and better mobility. The procedure can also help treat SI joint inflammation, degenerative joint disease, SI joint injuries, and postpartum pelvic pain.
Our expert team at Houston Pain Specialists, led by board-certified pain management specialist Hui Kang, MD, offers SI joint fusion to bring you lasting relief when conservative treatments haven’t sufficed.
Here’s a closer look at this procedure, including what to expect during your recovery.
What happens during SI joint fusion
At Houston Pain Specialists, we use the innovative PainTEQ system for SI fusion for improved outcomes. This system is less invasive than other SI surgeries and brings a reduced recovery time. We don’t use metal, and nearby nerves and large blood vessels won’t be affected.
During your procedure, we implant one small allograft, made of bone tissue, into your SI joint and fuse the joint. This process takes about an hour, during which you’ll remain comfortable, thanks to anesthesia.
Recovering from SI joint fusion
Unlike other SI joint surgeries, you won’t have to worry about a hospital stay. Most likely, you’ll be able to go home to recover once your sedation has fully worn off.
Depending on your post-surgery progress, which we’ll assess at your follow-up exam, you may need to wait weeks or months to resume certain activities. While full recovery may take up to six months, your post-procedure pain should start to alleviate within a few weeks.
Your aftercare instructions may include rest, pain medication, a brace or walker, and physical therapy. Leading up to your procedure, make sure you have a plan in place for any assistance you may need with daily tasks.
SI joint fusion results
Individual results vary, but one study showed that SI fusion using the PainTeq system significantly reduced pain and increased function in patients 12 months after the procedure. No serious implant-related issues were observed, giving the procedure a strong safety profile.
Following your SI fusion recovery guidelines and staying in touch with our team can help ensure the best possible outcome.
To learn more about minimally invasive SI joint fusion or find out if you’re a good candidate, contact our Houston, Texas, office today to schedule an appointment. We can also answer any questions you have about the recovery process.
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